In recent times, there has been an increase in nudity and pornographic materials being posted on various social media account.

The pornogtlraphic content is either posted intentionally or at times posted for revenge against a relation that has gone bad.

In either case, pornography is criminalized under our penal code act. Similarly, the perpetrators of pornography would also be charged for offences under the Computer misuse Act.

Avoid pornographic material ti save the moral fabric of our society and the young generation.

In recent times, there has been an increase in nudity and pornographic materials being posted on various social media account. The pornogtlraphic content is either posted intentionally or at times posted for revenge against a relation that has gone bad. In either case, pornography is criminalized under our penal code act. Similarly, the perpetrators of pornography would also be charged for offences under the Computer misuse Act. Avoid pornographic material ti save the moral fabric of our society and the young generation.
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