Article 41 of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda provides for the right of access to information for every citizen of Uganda except where its release is prejudicial to State security or sovereignty; or to another person's right to privacy.

Do you think COVID-19 has in any way limited the enjoyment of this right? Kindly share with us your views and recommendations on this matter.

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Article 41 of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda provides for the right of access to information for every citizen of Uganda except where its release is prejudicial to State security or sovereignty; or to another person's right to privacy. Do you think COVID-19 has in any way limited the enjoyment of this right? Kindly share with us your views and recommendations on this matter. Please share this link with your circles to join in on the discussion:
edited Jun 19 '20 at 9:56 am

I don't think the right of access to information has been affected by COVID 19. At the very initial stages of the lockdown, the press/media, was declared among the essential services. These have been able to collect and disseminate information to the public without restrictions. The public has equally been able to access this information through radio stations, TVs, internet, etc.

I don't think the right of access to information has been affected by COVID 19. At the very initial stages of the lockdown, the press/media, was declared among the essential services. These have been able to collect and disseminate information to the public without restrictions. The public has equally been able to access this information through radio stations, TVs, internet, etc.

Data bundles are too expensive for many Ugandans yet the government has failed to work on the issue of data bundles that expire yet people have already paid for them making companies make a lot of profits from them.
i personally think a policy should be passed where in case your data expires, the balance should activate itself when you buy a new bundle and that will enhance access to information

Data bundles are too expensive for many Ugandans yet the government has failed to work on the issue of data bundles that expire yet people have already paid for them making companies make a lot of profits from them. i personally think a policy should be passed where in case your data expires, the balance should activate itself when you buy a new bundle and that will enhance access to information
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